You’re in LUCK!


🥳I’ve decided to extend my Medium Reading pricing for 1 MORE WEEK!

*YES! You will be able to lock in my low price of $75 for 30 minutes through this week! (August 17th - August 24th)

➡️CLICK HERE to schedule your Medium Reading TODAY!


I realize Medium Readings sound scary to some of you, and I totally get it. (Talking about Spirits used to give me the eebie-jeebies, too! And well, if I’m being totally honest, Spirits still give me the creepies at times- even now!) But, know that all of my readings are done with my highest and best intentions for you and your Loved Ones in Heaven. In fact, I ask that only those in God’s white light come through. Your Loved Ones only want what’s best for you, and they want you to feel comforted and at peace.

So, if you haven’t had the chance to schedule a Medium Reading with me, NOW is the time!


**NOTE: I will not be accepting any appointments this week (August 17th - August 24th). Rest assured, you can still schedule your future readings with me here on

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me in the “Contact” section of my site. I’ll get back with you as soon as humanly possible!


Happy Birthday to ME!


Book Your Medium Reading ASAP!