Getting in Touch With Your Spiritual Side

Hello, hello!

I hope you all are having a marvelous Monday!

I’m just going to say it -

Today is THE day to start getting in tune with your spiritual self!

Some of you may be biting your lip, or chewing your finger nails while thinking, “Oh hell no! I’m too scared!”

Trust me, it’s completely normal to feel this way. The truth is, it IS SCARY to get in touch with your spiritual side! It’s something completely new and unknown to us. We’ve been brought up to fear what we don’t know, especially when it’s something we can’t see. I totally get it; I’ve been there (and to be totally honest with you, I still have some fears!).

I want you to know that it’s okay to start with baby steps. Start off with paying attention to the “odd” instances that occur on a daily basis. This can be something you felt, saw, smelled, or thought of. Write them down. Number patterns may even be a part of your daily experiences. These, too, are important to write down. By doing this, it will help you start noticing patterns that will aid in creating your personal boundaries with the Spiritual World.

So yes, it is a scary thought to start this journey into the Spiritual unknown, but if you really want to understand why you’re constantly waking up at 3 o’clock in the morning, or why you constantly feel like someone is near you (but you can’t see them), then get to jotting down your daily notes. Little by little, you’ll start to realize that YOU are stronger than you’ve ever known! YOU, my friend, are capable of setting your own boundaries with the Spiritual World because YOU are indeed a Spiritual Being.

Much love,

Debra Lee


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