It’s Starting to Feel Extra Herby Around Here!

It's Starting to Feel Extra Herby Around Here!

May 14, 2020

Living in the Sunshine State has its perks - beautiful beaches, warmth year-'round, and Disney World. BUT, the one thing this place has that isn't a perk is the HEAT!

It's mid-May, and we're experiencing some of the final days of "cool weather." Sure, it's windy and not soo humid, but DANG! That sun just smacks you with such intense heat that you want to either drench yourself in water, or just stay inside!

Well, here's the great part about this time of year - GARDENING! I'm super excited to see the hibiscus bush in my front yard constantly in bloom. I think I planted cucumber seeds... Hey, I forget what I plant from time to time; don't you? Ha-ha! ...I also have some basil, purslane, sage, lavendar, juniper, tomatoes, bok choy, and bell peppers growing. It's amazing to watch them grown from such tiny seeds!

My point for this entire blog entry is that you can use your home grown herbs, fruits, and veggies to create magical prayers and/or spells! Utilize what you have on hand, and don't be afraid to use the leaves, the stems, and the flowers, and/or fruit. (I personally like to dry mine out prior to using them.) You can either look up the meanings of each herb, or you can assign a special purpose to each one. Know that every herb has tons of meanings, so you can use the same herb for different prayers, or spells.

Take for example, basil. Basil is perfect to use when in need of money, protection, confidence, love, luck, prosperity, purification, and warding. You can add basil to various spells because it can help with many different things.

So what are you wating for? Go out into your garden and harvest some herbs! Look up what they can help with, or simply give them a purpose.

Get creative! Put your personality into your magical work! Get to crafting!

-Debra Lee


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